Stewardship Work Parties are held every Wednesday year-round and 2-3 Saturdays per month between October and May. Check the calendar for upcoming events, and visit our Eventbrite page to sign up!
Volunteering is a fun way to see the properties, exercise, and improve wildlife habitat around the Nisqually River Watershed. Here are some of the activities you’ll be involved in:
- Plantings – plant native trees and shrubs to restore or rehabilitate disturbed areas (seasonal projects, fall through early spring).
- Plant Maintenance – mulch around new native trees and shrubs and help us remove plant protectors from established seedlings.
- Weed control – Cut or pull weeds (English Ivy, Scotch Broom, Himalayan Blackberry, etc.), typically as part of a work party.
Questions? E-mail the Volunteer Coordinator at to learn about these and other volunteer opportunities.