- Land Protected: 256.5 acres
- Shoreline Protected: 1.7 miles of Nisqually River shoreline, just over 2 miles of side channel shoreline,and 0.6 miles tributary stream shoreline
- Protection Timeline: 1995 (5.1 acres); 1997 (15.4 acres); 1998 (10.5 acres); 2000 (21.8 acres); 2001 (21.3 acres); 2002 (11.9 acres); 2003 (32.7 acres); 2004 (17.1 acres); 2005 (19.2 acres); 2009 (32.2 acres); 2017(9.8 acres); 2018 (5.0 acres); 2019 (54.4 acres)
- Conservation Values: Fish and wildlife habitats, including river shoreline, side channels, and floodplain forest
- Property Overview: The Lackamas Flats Protected Area is a mile downstream from the Powell Creek Protected Area at a sweeping bend in the Nisqually River. In the 1960s, this area of the Nisqually floodplain was subdivided into more than 50 lots. A devastating flood in 1996 damaged the homes that had been developed at this site when the river radically changed course and carved a side channel across the floodplain. The Land Trust had already begun to acquire parcels in this area in 1995. In 2000 Pierce County transferred additional parcels acquired through the Federal Flood Relief Program to the Land Trust and since then we have added parcels on both sides of the river. Restoration of this site began with removal of tons of flood debris. The primary goal for this site is to maintain and reestablish healthy forest throughout this part of the floodplain. This means that our priority management activities here are controlling invasive weeds, including English ivy, Scotch broom, Himalayan blackberry, and reed canary grass; and planting and maintaining native trees and shrubs. To date, over 26,000 native plants have been installed at this site.
- Conservation Partners: Pierce County, Salmon Recovery Funding Board; Nisqually Indian Tribe; Thurston County; donors
- Habitat Restoration Partners: Pierce County; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Salmon Recovery Funding Board; Natural Resources Conservation Service; WA Department of Fish and Wildlife; US Fish and Wildlife Service; Nisqually Indian Tribe; Nisqually River Foundation; Nisqually River Education Project; many students and volunteers
- Property Guidelines: This Protected Area is undeveloped. It is visited by school groups participating in organized service learning and environmental education activities; and volunteers who participate in organized habitat monitoring, maintenance, and restoration activities.
More information about public use of Nisqually Land Trust properties.
Policy on Public Use of Nisqually Land Trust Lands (PDF)
- Get Involved at this Site:
- Contact the Land Trust to find out about becoming a Site Steward
- Participate in volunteer work parties