Volunteer Opportunities

Help Us Steward Our Protected Lands

There are many ways to volunteer with the Land Trust – in the field, at the office, and at events. Join us and have a great time with conservation-minded friends.

View our Volunteer Activities and Events Calendar to learn about upcoming events or contact our Volunteer Coordinator at . You can sign-up for work parties through links on the calendar.

Sound View Camp CE Invasive Plant Removal

Join NLT and our partners at Sound View Camp for an invasive plant removal work party on May 17 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. We will be cutting back Scotch broom and invasive blackberry to enhance upland forest, wetland, and marine shoreline habitat on the Land Trust’s Conservation Easement on-site. We will provide hot beverages and individual, pre-packaged, light snacks. Thank you for helping us restore important habitat on Key Peninsula! Register here >

Wednesday Volunteer Work Parties

Join this fun, hard-working group of volunteers in weekly habitat restoration projects throughout the watershed. We meet every Wednesday @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. Email to join the mailing list.


Become a Site Steward

Help us care for our protected lands. “Adopt” a Land Trust property, visit when your schedule allows, and send in photos and reports to our Stewardship Team. Contact us at  for more information.