Species Spotlight – Trillium parviflorum

Species Spotlight: Trillium parviflorum (small-flowered trillium)

This month, we cast the Species Spotlight on small-flowered trillium!

Many of us know and love blooming trilliums as one of our first signs of spring in the Nisqually watershed, but do you know this distinct species? Trillium parviflorum, commonly known as small-flowered trillium, was only formally recognized and named in the 1980s.


Small-flowered trillium’s preferred habitat at the edge of native prairie and riparian forest can make it difficult but especially rewarding to find. That said, with adequate moisture and a protective hardwood overstory, this native plant can also be found in other habitats along the West Coast.

Our NLT Stewardship Manager spotted this particular population in the wetlands on our Ohop Valley Protected Lands. The Trillium parviflorum here grows on hummocks, small mounds of mud and sticks created by beavers just above the water. Surrounding deep thickets of ninebark and red osier dogwood create limited light, reducing competition with neighboring plants and allowing these trilliums to thrive.

Physical description

Depending on its geographic location, Trillium parviflorum can vary greatly in appearance. It typically features 3 broad, mottled leaves and a white or slightly pink-purple flower smaller than that of western trillium (Trillium grandiflorum). It usually grows 6 to 12 inches with leaves spreading from 12 to 18 inches wide, adding to its dramatic appearance. As it travels further south, Small-flowered trillium integrates with other species such as Trillium albidum, altering its physical characteristics.

Small-flowered trillium’s scent can range from skunky to a citronella-like smell, or it can have no scent at all. Several pollinators are attracted to its flower, especially ants and wasps which are drawn to a protein pack on the seed. Ants will trail along eating the protein, dropping discarded seed pods as they go. Wasps may be seen perched on a branch, separating out the nutritious pack and dropping the rest.


Trillium parviflorum is currently listed as a sensitive species in Washington. Our work at the Land Trust to reduce invasive plants, including invasive grasses, protects trilliums and other native plants in the understory and prevents them from being shaded out.

Special plants like these remind us of the great biodiversity of our watershed and emphasize the importance of our work to protect them and build resilient habitats for years to come.

Species Spotlight – Northern Alligator Lizard

Species Spotlight: Northern Alligator Lizard (Elgaria coerulea)

This month, we cast the Species Spotlight on the Northern Alligator Lizard!

The northern alligator lizard is one of only two lizards in Washington state with square scales and folds on the side of its body. Its dark eyes help differentiate it from the southern alligator lizard.

The northern alligator lizard looks exactly like one might think- akin to a baby alligator. It is known to be a bit secretive and is rarely seen in the open. Luckily, our Stewardship Manager Jake was able to spot this one up close while visiting one of our properties!

Physical Description

This is one of two alligator lizard species commonly found in Washington. Both species differ from other lizards in Washington in that they have square scales and folds on the sides of their body. Although the northern alligator lizard can vary greatly in color, it is typically gray-brown to brown with dark brown eyes. This is one way to differentiate it from the southern alligator lizard, which has yellow or gold eyes.

The northern alligator lizard can grow up to nearly 4 inches long and has a long tail, which it can easily shed if threatened by a predator. For example, the northern alligator lizard is often preyed on by house cats. In this situation, the lizard drops its tail, which will continue to wriggle around, distracting the cat and providing an opening to escape.

Tail loss can negatively impact its reproductive ability and make it more vulnerable to adverse environmental factors. However, in most cases the tail will regrow in a matter of weeks.

The northern alligator lizard has a long tail, which can be shed if threatened by a predator.


The northern alligator lizard typically prefers cool temperatures and forested habitat, especially rocky openings, grassy areas, and woody debris. It is known for being adaptable to various conditions. Although it is not currently threatened, the northern alligator lizard can be impacted by large-scale habitat destruction with increasing development.

Habitat Restoration and Protection

Much of our work at the Nisqually Land Trust includes habitat restoration projects to restore and protect forested land. By acquiring forested areas, removing invasive plants, and planting native trees and shrubs, we work to create and conserve healthy habitat for the many species that call the Nisqually Watershed home.

2020 Conservation Dinner & Auction Postponed

Dear Friends of the Nisqually Land Trust:

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we postponed our Annual Dinner & Auction, which was scheduled for Saturday, March 14.

Instead, we’ll be holding our event in late September. We’ll keep you posted. And we’ll take the liberty of assuming that folks who have registered would like to remain so. If not, let us know, and we’ll send you a refund. Feel free to contact us by phone (360.489.3400) or email ().

We hope this crisis passes soon, and that we see you this summer. Watch for announcements of our volunteer work parties and Nature Walks, which we will resume as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Meanwhile, thank you for your kindness and understanding. We wish you all the best of health.

Girl Scouts Tackle Key Nisqually River Restoration Site

Will Earn Silver Awards, Scouting’s Highest Honor

When the going gets tough, call the Girl Scouts: Four scouts from troops in Olympia and Steilacoom are tackling the restoration of a critical but much-abused shoreline property the Land Trust recently acquired along the main stem of the Nisqually River, near Yelm.

The Girl Scouts and a team of volunteers will plant 500 plants on this acre of shoreline land, which has been torn up over the years by dirt bikes and off-road vehicles.

“These girls are incredibly ambitious,” said Courtney Murphy, the Land Trust’s Stewardship Assistant, who has been working with the Scouts for much of the last year. “They’ve worked hard – researched what kind of plant diversity they need, raised money to buy plants, salvaged plants from other sites, prepped the site. They’ve done it all.”

The four Scouts – Cassidy Chaney, from Steilacoom Troop 45261, and Maya Hanson and Maggie and Addie Barker, from Olympia Troop 40116 – are middle-school students and Girl Scout Cadettes. They’ll earn the Girl Scouting Silver Award for their project. It’s the highest honor a Cadette can receive.

In November and December, the Scouts and a team of volunteers will plant 500 plants on an acre of land that has been torn up over the years by dirt bikes and off-road vehicles. The property anchors one end of a ten-acre habitat block in the Nisqually River’s McKenna Reach that is salmon-rich but highly vulnerable.

In particular, the McKenna Reach contains spawning grounds used by Nisqually Chinook salmon and steelhead trout, both of which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

A Silver Award project must demonstrate a Scout’s “understanding of sustainability and the wider world.” In addition to the restoration project, all four Scouts have completed the rigorous six-week Nisqually Stream Stewards class held by the Nisqually Indian Tribe and the Nisqually River Council.


Bringing Salmon Back to the Ohop Valley

New Ohop Acquisitions Protect Spawning Beds, Set Stage for Further Restoration

The Land Trust recently executed a rapid series of transactions to advance a two-fold strategy for salmon recovery in Ohop Creek, one of the two main salmon-producing tributaries to the Nisqually River:

Planting native trees and shrubs along Ohop Creek helps restore the spawning area. Ohop Creek is used by all five species of Pacific salmon native to the Nisqually Watershed

One, secure safe passage for salmon by restoring the lower four miles of the creek. (Ohop Creek was ditched over a century ago to drain the Ohop Valley for dairy farming, with devastating impacts to the fish population.) Two, secure the spawning beds immediately upstream of the restoration area to reduce streambed depredation from livestock and residential development.

All five species of Pacific salmonids native to the Nisqually Watershed use Ohop Creek, including Chinook salmon and steelhead trout, both of which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

To secure the spawning beds, we recently acquired 33 acres of floodplain and upland forest along Ohop Creek just outside of Eatonville. The property adjoins 32 acres we acquired in 2016. In total, they contain almost two thousand feet of the creek in the heart of the spawning area.

In turn, these two properties are linked to 160 acres of upland forest owned by the state’s Department of Natural Resources. Together, they form a substantial corridor of protected habitat that is also used by a wide variety of other wildlife, including cougar, elk, black bear, and many bird species.

The purchase was partially funded by the state’s new Streamflow Restoration program and has been ranked for future funding by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board. The Land Trust advanced internal reserves to take the property off the market before the remaining grant funds are approved. “It’s a risk,” said Executive Director Joe Kane. “But a bigger risk is losing those spawning beds.”

In October, we added another four hundred feet of Ohop Creek spawning shoreline by acquiring a property auctioned by Pierce County.

Meanwhile, in two transactions downstream, in the lower Ohop Valley, we acquired 90 acres and 1.1 miles of Ohop Creek shoreline from the Pruitt family. The Pruitts are longtime residents and conservation leaders in the valley, and perhaps best known as the owners of the nonprofit Pioneer Farm Museum.

We acquired 90 acres, which includes 1.1 miles of Ohop Creek shoreline, for the next phase of the Lower Ohop Creek Restoration project, one of the largest stream-restoration projects in the state.

We acquired these properties for the next phase of the Lower Ohop Creek Restoration project, one of the largest stream-restoration projects in the state.

In 2015, the Land Trust, the Nisqually Indian Tribe, and a team of local, state, and federal partners completed the first phase of restoration, re-converting 1.6 miles of ditch back to 2.4 miles of meandering, salmon-friendly stream. The $8.7 million project included the planting of 186,000 native trees and shrubs across 180 acres of floodplain.

“The Pruitt family properties will help us set up the next phase,” said the Land Trust’s George Walter, who completed many of the land transactions that made the first phase possible. “It took us fifteen years to acquire the properties for Phase I. We don’t know when Phase II will take place, but one lesson we learned is that you acquire the land whenever it becomes available.”

The properties were acquired with a land donation from one of the sellers, Tim Pruitt, and grants from the state’s Salmon Recovery, Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration, and Streamflow Restoration pro-grams. The newly protected land adjoins 72 acres that the Nisqually Tribe and the Land Trust have already secured for Phase II.

Nisqually Marine Shoreline: Impossible to Put a Price On

Land Trust Wins Major Funding to Protect High-Value Coastal Habitat
By Eric Erler, Marine Conservation Initiative Project Manager

Sound View Camp has a spectacular nearshore complex that includes barrier beach, lagoon, feeder bluff, saltmarsh, tideland and other habitats. Photo courtesy WA Dept. of Ecology.

We are pleased to announce that the Land Trust and our project partners have secured over $3 million to support our Marine Conservation Initiative – a strategic approach to protecting high-value coastal habitats within the South Sound/Nisqually Reach ma-rine environment.

Federal, state and county agencies have awarded these funds to protect some of the area’s best-remaining coastal habitat – 1.5 miles of estuarine and marine shoreline surrounded by 175 acres of mature forests and freshwater wetlands.

We are still negotiating these transactions, but this is urgent work, as an informal survey of the South Puget Sound waterfront property market makes compellingly clear.

It’s telling that there are so few undeveloped waterfront properties still for sale in the region. Over 75 percent of Puget Sound’s estuary and nearshore habitat has already been developed or converted to non-natural uses.

The loss of this vital habitat is pushing salmon, orca and many other keystone species to the brink of extinction. The region’s commercial fish, shellfish, recreation, tourism and real-estate economies also depend upon a healthy Puget Sound.

A highlight of this work is the Sound View Camp, project, on Drayton Passage near Anderson Island. The site has mature forest and freshwater wetlands adjacent to a spectacular nearshore complex that includes a large barrier embayment and barrier beach and lagoon, feeder bluff, saltmarsh, tideland and other habitats.

Sound View Camp also hosts hundreds of youth and adult visitors every year. Our unique partnership will support the Camp’s extensive environmental education and outdoor recreation programs and increase understanding of the importance of marine habitats and conservation.

Sound View Camp shoreline: This project will protect rich orca and salmon habitat while supporting the Camp’s environmental education and outdoor recreation programs.

Circling back to the survey of waterfront properties mentioned earlier, an even more compelling case emerges for the value contributed through our Marine Initiative: The average cost of the ten or so waterfront properties currently for sale in the region is $1,798 per “waterfront foot.” Viewed through this lens, within the coming year the Initiative would protect approximately $14 million in waterfront value.

However, it’s impossible to place a monetary value on the benefits this unique habitat provides for orcas, salmon and the region’s human inhabitants.

Essential support for our current Marine Conservation Initiative projects has been provided by the Washington Departments of Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, and Natural Resources, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Nisqually Indian Tribe, Pierce County Conservation Futures, Th Thurston County Conservation Futures, Ducks Unlimited and the Nisqually Delta Association.

Department of Interior Awards Nisqually Land Trust $1.95 Million to Support Coastal Wetlands Conservation

The U.S. Department of the Interior is awarding the Nisqually Land Trust $1.95 million for two projects that will protect marine shoreline in southern Puget Sound, including intact habitat vital for the recovery of threatened orcas and Chinook salmon.

Wetlands in coastal watersheds are diverse and complex ecosystems that are also critical for the nation’s economy and an important part of the nation’s natural heritage. In recognition of the role wetlands play, the Department awarded a total of some $20 million to 22 projects in 11 coastal states.

With the first award, we (along with Washington Department of Ecology and other partners) will protect an 88-acre estuarine complex in Thurston County comprised of 4,200 feet of intact shoreline surrounding 7.8 acres of estuarine intertidal wetlands, 42 acres of intact freshwater forested wetlands and 38 acres of mature forested uplands.

The second award (also in partnership with Washington State Department of Ecology and other stakeholders) will protect a 93-acre waterfront property on Drayton Passage, along Anderson Island in Pierce County. The property is comprised of 4,000 feet of marine/estuarine shoreline and a coastal wetland complex consisting of barrier beach, barrier lagoon, closed lagoon, saltmarsh, bluff-backed beach, intact feeder bluff, tideland and associated upland forest habitats.

The projects represent the current phase of the our Marine Conservation Initiative and build upon extensive prior investments in coastal protection and restoration within the region, including the 900-acre Nisqually Delta restoration project and establishment of the 14,800-acre Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve.

According to Marine Conservation Initiative Project Manager Eric Erler, “This is an incredible achievement for Nisqually Land Trust in advancing our Marine Conservation Initiative. Developing these funding proposals and building necessary relationships and partnerships requires significant investment of time and resources.

“To put this in perspective, with these awards, the Land Trust secured two of only 22 awards made nationally and nearly 10 percent of the total funding. This success is a testament to the Marine Conservation Initiative vision and strategic approach.”

We received this video (click here) from Nancyrose Houston (Sound View Camp Outdoor Environmental Education Director). Nancyrose took the video a few weeks ago from the beach at Sound View Camp. From my perspective, this is the best possible confirmation that, with your support, the Marine Conservation Initiative is making an essential investment in the protection of Puget Sound coastal habitats (make sure your volume is up).


Nature’s Cupid: the Pacific Sideband Snail

By Pete Grebowski, Land Steward

Pacific sideband snails shoot “love darts” during a courship that is elaborate…but slow.

Hardly studied and often overlooked, the Pacific sideband snail (Monadenia fidelis) is one of the most interesting species you’ve never thought much about. From their anatomy to the extreme pressures they face from warming climates and human development, these little gastropods are far more complex than you’d expect.

Last month we had a planting party at a Land Trust property along the Mashel River. Throughout the day we saw eagles, deer, salamanders, and signs of beaver and elk. While these creatures quickly dispersed upon our arrival, one remained – a Pacific sideband snail slowly making its way across a leaf near our snack station.

It made me think that while most species have a relatively agile response to human influence or natural events like fire or falling trees, some, like this snail, are basically trapped in their surrounding environment.

Pacific sidebands are endemic to the Pacific Coast of North America, where they typically reside in cool, moist, shaded forests. They feed on fungi and plant material and provide prey for raccoons, shrews, and mice, among others.

But with rising temperatures, intensifying wildfires, continuous human development, and decreasing rainfall, their suitable habitat is becoming increasingly marginalized. Other, more mobile species can shift home ranges in response to these pressures, but terrestrial snails don’t move anywhere fast. And their mobility is being further impeded as the traditionally moist substrates they travel on dry up.

They might move slowly, but Pacific sidebands (like many terrestrial snails) give a different meaning to the phrase “darting across the ladscape.” They are hermaphrodites, with both male and female reproductive organs.

As if that anatomy isn’t complex enough, they shoot what are called “love darts” during an elaborate courtship process, virtually playing cupid with each other before they mate! (Although separate from the copulation process, these love darts are thought to enhance reproductive success after mating.)

While we typically focus our interests on large mammals, birds of prey, and salmon, it is important to remember that nature exists at all levels, and that seemingly unexciting species may have a much more interesting and ecologically important life cycle than we’d expect.

Next time you come across a Pacific sideband, just think: You are looking at nature’s version of the Roman god of love!

Land Trust, Partners Launch Major River Restoration Project

Nisqually River view from our new Middle Reach Property.

Nisqually Middle Reach: Three years, Five Salmon Species, 30,000 Native Plants

This winter it’s all hands on deck – or in the dirt!– as a team of Nisqually Watershed partners, volunteers, and students launch an ambitious three-year project to plant 30,000 native plants and restore 60 acres of high-priority salmon habitat and floodplain along one of the most dynamic reaches of the Nisqually River.

Kids, students, volunteers, and project partners will help plant native trees and shrubs on our new property.

The Land Trust acquired the site last May. It has long been the critical missing piece in our 520-acre Powell Creek Protected Area, on the Thurston County side of the river, about 12 miles above McKenna.

“I’ve been looking at that gap for almost thirty years,” said Land Trust founder George Walter. The Land Trust purchased the remote property from the Spooner family, which had used it to grow berry cane rootstock but stopped farming it several years ago, in the face of increasing transportation difficulties and other challenges.

“The Spooners were able to make productive use of this land for awhile,” Walter said. “And now productivity is being shifted back to growing salmon.”

The property is located along what is known as the Middle Reach of the Nisqually River. It is one of the river’s most productive zones for all five salmon species native to the Nisqually Watershed, including Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. Both are listed as threatend under the Endangered Speacies Act and use the Middle Reach for spawning and rearing.

The Spooner property was the critical missing piece in our Powell Creek Protected Area.

Native plants were largely removed from the site during its tenure as a commercial agricultural property. Using techniques refined over a decade of habitat restoration on adjoining properties in the Powell Creek unit, the Land Trust and its longtime partners – the Nisqually Indian Tribe, the Nisqually River Education Project, and hundreds of student and adult volunteers – will remove invasive species such as Scotch broom and Himalayan blackberry and install native trees and shrubs.

This site is sandy, and reestablishing native forest will require planting species that can tolerate short periods of high groundwater during high river flow but are also adapted to droughty conditions that will occur during summer. The planting will likely include shore pine, snowberry, Oregon grape, ocean spray, bitter cherry, western white pine, Douglas fir, and western-Ponderosa pine.

Over time, the Nisqually team will restore the site to naturally functioning forest, which will provide shade, shelter, nutrients, and habitat complexity. “This is a big deal for the long-term,” said George Walter. “I may not see it happen, but eventually this reach of the river will return to its natural ways. The salmon are smiling!”

The Nisqually River’s Middle Reach is 6.5 miles long, running from the Ohop Creek confluence downstream to Tanwax Creek. Almost 90 percent of the Middle Reach, on both sides of the river, is now in permanent conservation status.

New Land Trust Projects Will Support Orca Recovery

With “Puget Sound Orca Recovery Day” fast approaching, the Land Trust is pleased to announce three major projects designed to protect nearly two miles of Puget Sound and estuary shoreline.

Protection of these sites will benefit many species listed by state and federal resource agencies as endangered, threatened or at risk, including orca, Chinook and coho salmon, steelhead trout, and the Olympia oyster.

The projects are the first launched under the Land Trust’s new Marine Conservation Initiative, a strategic approach to protecting high-value coastal habitats within the Nisqually Reach-South Sound marine environment.

The Anderson Island project will protect 72 acres along South Oro Bay.

One project, funded by Pierce County Conservation Futures and scheduled for completion by year’s end, will protect 72 acres and over one-half mile of shoreline on Anderson Island, within the Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve. The project includes a $175,000 landowner donation to match a $550,000 Pierce Conservation Futures grant.

The two other projects will protect an entire 90-acre estuary and forest complex along the eastern shore of the Johnson Point peninsula and a 93-acre environmental-education camp and retreat center on the Key Peninsula that contains nine different types of coastal shoreline habitat.

“This project provides a unique opportunity to protect vital habitat and support environmental education and recreation programs that will benefit thousands of children and other community members every year,” said Eric Erler, Marine Conservation Initiative project manager for the Land Trust.

The Key Penninsula project will protect nine types of coastal habitat.

The Johnson Point and Key Peninsula projects have a combined cost of some $3.5 million. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will request state legislature approval of $853,000 in Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program funding for the projects in the 2019-2021 state budget. The projects also seek nearly $2 million through the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program.

Project partners include private landowners, the Washington Department of Ecology, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Nisqually Indian Tribe, the Nisqually Delta Association, Ducks Unlimited, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources.

“Southern Puget Sound estuaries form one of the most productive living ecosystems on Earth,” Erler said. “The Marine Conservation Initiative builds on the great work in the freshwater environment already achieved by Nisqually  Land Trust and its many partners.”